
ROLE: Branding · ux · ui


Finding a way to overcome homesickness

Homesickness is a significant if underappreciated issue for university students living away from home. The challenge was to find a way to spread their wings but keep their feet planted at home. Away is an app that helps strike the right balance between tried and true and the new and unexplored.

Brand Concept


The brand concept was inspired by or going on a journey. I wanted to speak to the idea that when you go on a journey, there will always be hills and valleys, and what's most important is to see how far you’ve come and enjoy the ever changing view.

Daily Check-ins


Daily check-ins emotionally support the user and gain more insight about their emotional state. With this information, the app can suggest helpful coping strategies and decide their daily tasks.

Daily & Weekly Tasks


The daily and weekly tasks encourage socialization and interaction with the users new environment. Tasks progressively become more challenge and encourages users to connect more with their new environment.